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We'd love to help you out.
Developerhub.io is super easy to use and tailor to fit to our business needs, we migrated our documentation in a day. The support we receive from the team is helpful, fast and responsive. We constantly receive great feedback on the documentation. It has never looked more cleaner and polished!
Kiran Bali
Head of Integrations, Yoti
Try 14-days for free - No credit card required. Prices are in USD.
For a Small Team
per month / project billed annually
$139 billed monthly
For Full Branding and Control
per month / project billing annually
$219 billed monthly
For Multiple Projects and Big Teams
Plan | Free | Seed | Startup | Grow | Enterprise |
Editors Reviewers, Writers, Publishers, Admins | 1 | 2 | 5 | 20 | Custom |
Readers | |||||
Documentation Editor | |||||
OpenAPI Editor | |||||
OpenAPI Viewer | |||||
API Playground | |||||
Team Comments/Reviews | |||||
Team Dashboard | |||||
SAML SSO | |||||
Hosting (Cloud) | |||||
Host on our Subdomain Like example.developerhub.io | |||||
Host on your Custom Domain Like docs.example.com | |||||
Host on your Subdirectory Like example.com/docs | |||||
Content | |||||
Content Reuse | |||||
Page Tagging Show related pages and search filtering | |||||
GitHub Sync | |||||
Code Steps | |||||
Versions per Project v1.0, v2.0... of your product | 1 | 3 | 5 | 10 | |
Documentation per Version Product guides, iOS SDK, Release Notes... | 1 | 1 | 5 | 10 | |
API References per Version | |||||
Pages per Documentation | |||||
Glossary | |||||
User Roles Reviewer, Writer, Publisher, Admin | |||||
Personalised Docs | |||||
PDF Export | Add-On | ||||
Search | |||||
Lightning Fast Search | |||||
AI Search | |||||
Multi-Project Search Search through multiple projects at once | |||||
Customisation | |||||
Dark Theme | |||||
Auto-Generated Landing Page | |||||
Multiple Landing Pages | 3 | ||||
Translate UI | |||||
Customise Look Logo, Colours and Font | |||||
White-labelled Remove our logo at the bottom | |||||
Custom CSS Rules | |||||
Custom Javascript | |||||
Custom HEAD Tags Styles, scripts, META... | |||||
Custom Footer Using HTML, CSS, JS... | |||||
Custom Landing Page Using HTML, CSS, JS... | |||||
Custom 404 Page | |||||
Reader Feedback | |||||
Like/Dislike Controls | |||||
Add Message to Feedback | |||||
AI Features | |||||
Generate META Descriptions | |||||
Redact Personal Information from Feedback | |||||
Spam Filter for Feedback | |||||
Support | |||||
Community Forums | |||||
Chat/Email | |||||
Calls | |||||
Migration from other tools | |||||
Professional Services for Migration | |||||
Backups (Import/Export) | |||||
Using Platform | |||||
Using API | |||||
Analytics | |||||
Google Analytics | |||||
Search Analytics | |||||
Integrations | |||||
Slack | |||||
Intercom | |||||
Custom Integrations Using JS | |||||
Private Documentation | |||||
Password Protected/Secure Link | |||||
Email Invites/Magic Links | |||||
Custom Login - JWT | |||||
Proxy Behind VPN | |||||
Custom Reader Authentication | |||||
Access to our APIs | |||||
API Reference CI/CD | |||||
Search Content | |||||
Audit Log | |||||
Other | |||||
Readability Metrics | |||||
Shared Users between Multiple Projects | |||||
Custom Invoicing | |||||
SLA | |||||
Start Trial | Start Trial | Start Trial | Start Trial | Book Demo |
Yes, of course! On signing up you will be automatically enrolled in a 14 day trial. If you want to enrolled in the Startup trial plan (Launch), and would like to test out Grow trial plan, then let us know.
Yes. You can have one version that has one documentation and one user in your project. There is no search functionality and it would be hosted under a DeveloperHub subdomain. The free tier becomes available after the trial ends. The exact features are listed above in the plan comparison table.
A project is a documentation site with its set of settings, customisations and collaborators. One project can have many versions and each version has many documentation and references. You can have unlimited pages in a project.
A project has its data siloed, and a project can either be public or private.
Read more about our Project Structure.A version is a container for documentation and API Reference sections. As your product progresses, you'll be having v2.0, v3.0 and so on. With DeveloperHub you can clone a version with one click and start working on newer version of the product, while keeping the old versions available for customers who are still on older versions.
You do not have to version your documentation at all - we don't for ours, so you will only be using one version.
Read more about our Project Structure.
A documentation is a set of pages (unlimited). Each project has versions (v1.0, v2.0...). Each version has documentation (Android SDK, iOS SDK,...) and references (REST API). You could have multiple documentation for different products, to explain more complex subjects separately, or for localisation.
If your documentation is simple and flat, then you wouldn't need more than one documentation. However, you can also use multiple documentation for Release Notes, Frequently Asked Questions, and other kinds of guides. Our own docs have only one documentation section.
Read more about our Project Structure.
Of course. You can create separate documentation for Release Notes, FAQ, News or anything else really.
For sure! You can find examples here.
No, you can sign up without a credit card.
The pricing is monthly per project. See "What counts as a project?" above.
You will instantly get access to that plan's features, and you will be charged a prorated amount for based on the percentage of the billing cycle left at the time you changed plans. The impact is carried to the next invoice.
An editor is a collaborator on the project. They could be an admin, publisher, writer or reviewer of all published and unpublished documentation. The project owner is the first editor. We do not limit the number of readers to your docs.
For Grow plan, you can contact us to increase the number of editors on a project. Editors are added in a package of 5 editors at a time, at the price of $50 for 5 editors per month.
For Grow plan, you can contact us to get the PDF export feature at a monthly price of $50 per project.
We will notify you a few days before the trial ends. If you do not upgrade by then, all advanced plans features will be removed and you will be moved to the free plan.
You are billed annually or monthly from the day you sign up to a paid plan.
Yes! We offer both monthly and yearly billing options. The yearly billing option is cheaper (you get one month for free compared to monthly billing).
Yes. All credit card processing is handled through Stripe, and your card information is never sent to, or stored on, our servers.
You will still have access to the advanced features in your paid plan until your billing cycle ends for that billing period.
We'd love to help you out. Click on the chat button on the right, or write us an e-mail to hello@developerhub.io.
Join hundreds of other businesses who hosted beautiful documentation using DeveloperHub
Free 14-day trial of our Startup plan. No credit card required.